gLoBaL uKuLeLe oDySsey

MY year-long tour of asia, including, but not limited to : Taiwan, Two stints in Thailand, India, and China...performing, teaching, directing, etc...

Location: oakland,, ca

Sunday, October 30, 2005

note to self: time, my dear, time; please remember, everything takes time, and that the time it takes does not matter at all: the constancy of firstly, attention (awareness), and secondly, effort, are the most important factors, i think, to 'doing' in this life. my whole struggle (so it seems now) is balancing between 'being' and 'doing'....
as the big event had finished, life, again begins to shift. i was invited to join a two week stint at tree cafe with sari, the musical director of circus contraption, and her partner, ann. splendid stuff! the flaming retrofitted kittens live onstage!

back on track with the global ukulele odyssey, i have been invited to a farm in the countryside to perform solo six days a week for one-two months. sari, ann and i decided to do our last performance together there, nov 5, my birthday, and bring a gaggle of other musicians and all the remaining artists associated with this project. joining us will be rabbit on guitar, laurance on cello, a-ge, a-guan and more!

the musical warrior, be ward!

some images from the parade preparation

a wild birthday party at confucius' place
mr. om being fallen upon

and with 'bood', lisa, rabbit, and others at the watering hole

at maurice's birthday party in taipei..i used to play at his pub '98' when i lived here in the 90's

(maurice is the one with viking horns!) escaped to hong kong for a day, as i foolishly overstayed my visa. i had the chance to see my great old friends david and his wife yvonne, and their precocious daughter, kai: (five years old, with the cutest british accent, says; "oh my! you use your fingers and your nails to strum the ukulele strings! how clever!"). they are doing well with thier english school , and it was wonderful to catch up.

i met a man first morning in a cafe who is a festival organizer, and who has invited me to perform in a bigfestival in early december! hou chiao! sari and i are negotiating with him for to bring two duo acts. if the pay is right, i will go back in early december, go directlyto india, then hit china on the way back to taiwan.

big love and thanks to everyone out in the world, braving, honestly and caring. great special thanks to dad, , and bill prather,, for continued support of the oddyssey!

your loves, as mine to you!
