gLoBaL uKuLeLe oDySsey

MY year-long tour of asia, including, but not limited to : Taiwan, Two stints in Thailand, India, and China...performing, teaching, directing, etc...

Location: oakland,, ca

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

chengdu, china
maRch, 2006

stopping over in tAiwAn en route back to thailand...i was offerred a three month contract there creatING, diRectING and PErformIng a GUerrilLa stReet Puppet musical circus tHeatRe Piece! that would push back my return to the U.s.A. to after july, for the show should run for the month of june, the an option to extend thru july.
it was good to get out of china, even though i wasn't three weeks, and only in ONe city. I did alot of paRtying, and no performing - but for an informal show at a private dinner. and though i met many super friends, made some performer and venue contacts for future touring opportunities, and had alot of fun, the relationship 'twixt china and i makes me sad, though i am not sure why. i had the feeling that i had before i went there as well: that i would certainly become lost in china, perchance never to emerge, had i stayed, letting go of myself, and without a project to guide me. the dissipation of all motivation toward my own touring gig across china even before i got there left me strangely, though comfortably naked(freed me??)! oDd, this world, in relationshiop to me. i emerged blue and dazed, realizing that each place i go, i am altered, for i AlLOw myselF to BE alTERed by mY enviORnmENT, AND ABSORB its EnErgy, perhaps to gain the nimbleness needed navigate said enviorns, perhaps a function of, going from one foriegn palce to another (and after a while, even familiar places become foreign, for upon my return , i find, though the place be unchanged, i am already different), i feel i am no longer seeking, but surviving, and being..and these moments are intense and precious; the love is real, the anger viable, the truth tangible.


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